
Hacker, builder, (web)activist, maker and destroyer of things.


King of pong

Initially, King of Pong began as a small-scale ping pong competition aimed at clients of Undefined, featuring unique tables and non-traditional rules.

The event quickly escalated, and by the second anniversary, we had converted an old supermarket on Driekoningenstraat, Berchem, into the King of Pong Social Klub. This ping pong popup club thrived for three months, hosting parties and tournaments, and turned into a popular gathering place for locals.

Our team managed the entire project from start to finish, including the development of visual branding, building the bar, crafting bespoke ping pong tables, designing posters, and organizing all activities.

In addition to the club’s activities, we crafted unique ping pong tables to elevate the gaming experience. Among our creations were a rotating table that tested players’ reflexes, a half-pipe table that introduced unpredictable bounces, and even a table featuring a built-in fountain for an added challenge. We also developed a custom arcade system to keep track of scores, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience for all participants. These innovative additions not only enhanced the gameplay but also made our venue a standout attraction.

The project was a joint venture involving Koray Sels, Benjamin de Moor, Bram van Bree, and myself.
